A quick guide to Shark ESMS setup for new sites.1
Please refer to the Site Setup page for full details
Other than the inspection itself all other actions are via the Managers Dashboard

graph LR A(( fa:fa-play   Start   fa:fa-play))== fa:fa-envelope-o ==> B(Request Primary Logins) ==> C([Commence first
Inspections]) ==>F((Setup complete)) B -. fa:fa-envelope-o .-> D( Request Secondary Logins) .-> C B -. fa:fa-plus-square-o .-> R[(setup plant areas)] .-> C B -- fa:fa-envelope-o --> PA(Personnel Names) -- fa:fa-plus-square-o --> PB[(Personnel Details)]--> F B -- fa:fa-plus-square-o --> E[(Electricity Supply Details)] --> F B -- fa:fa-plus-square-o --> G[(Self Assessment Audit)] --> F B -- fa:fa-plus-square-o --> S[(Site Documents)] S --> F F --> S classDef green fill:lightgreen; classDef red fill:orangered; class A green class F red

Information to be added to Shark ESMS
Information to be sent to Shark ESMS administration support @sharkesms.com


Logins are setup by Shark ESMS admin please contact support .
There are 3 login types Managers, Compliance Engineer and Electrician.

Please email support with Name, Email and level of access/Type of login required.

Information to be added

To get the full benefit of Shark ESMS the additional information should be added, although not a requirement to conduct an inspection it is good safety management practice and enables the benefits of Shark ESMS to be fully utilised.

  • Electrical Supply
    Document containing the Details of Electricity supply such as Supplier (DNO), contact details, supply characteristics, Earthing arrangements. Information useful for contractors Installation certificates but invaluable for management who can access it remotely in the event of a significant incidence.

  • Personnel Name
    Shark ESMS contains a database of names4 which can be selected under the various parts in the Site And Staff Details section.
    This will include, by default any logins created with site access plus known staff and contractors with National access. To add further names e.g. electricians please advise Shark Administration.
    These names do not necessarily have a Shark Login but will be available so their site authorisations can be recorded with their authorisation documents.

  • Personnel Details
    The above 'Names can then be selected for LV, HV, Reset , Task and Access Authorisations in the Site And Staff Details

  • Site Documents
    The HSE Documents folder is pre-populated with the current HSE documents. Thesite can create, archive and rename any Site Document folders, similarly for the individual documents inside them. This is likely to be an ogoing process rather than a complete task at time of setup.

  • Self Assessment Audit (If required.
    Upload the company Self Assessment Audit form and enter the score. (%).

Add Locations
  • As item locations tend to be common for sites with similar plant, Shark ESMS includes a pre-populated list of default locations for the specific industry.
    Additional locations can be added via the Managers Dashboard the easiest method is by the Engineers login. They can be entered all at once but the recomended method is to add new locations as part of the first inspection.

Once a location is added (in any inspection) it is available for use in all other inspections.

Add Items
  • Electrical equipment to be inspected can be added at any time and in any order. This is done by the inspecting engineer, although It is possible to add individual items using the Managers Dashboard it is not recomended with the easiest way to add items is via Engineers carry out inspection.

When adding items with tags it is suggested to begin the description with the tag name. This will then order the items by Tag number rather than description.

  • Alternatively, the items can be added manually form lists/spreadsheet of previous inspections prior to any inspection. However, there is an increased risk of erroneous or old information being included.


  1. Assuming the company already uses Shark ESMS on other sites. 

  2. National Engineers will already have access, but the regional Area Manager should have a login. 

  3. An electrician can access the Engineers menu but will not have access to the 'Carry Out compliance' section and can only address defects..  

  4. The names can be individual persons (e.g. staff or Contractors) or Company names (e.g. Contractors). 
