inspections bar

(Select) Inspection type

Fixed Wiring reports
Fixed Wiring reports

Fixed Wiring Testing

  • Latest report can be downloaded
  • Shows Date of last inspection
  • Shown date when next inspection is due
  • Comments (if any)are shown
  • Testing Specification can be downloaded
  • A new (3rd party) report can be uploaded
  • View report history

Fixed Wiring testing is not conducted using Shark ESMS, they are upload only and defects from a fixed wiring inspection can be manually added via the Managers Dashboard.

Select View History the History can be filtered by date using drop‑down





Upload reports

Upload reports

Upload Report

The Upload New Report button brings up the Upload New Report form.
Choose File and add the report from your local PC.

It is recomended to select the Report date is in the past and then report date will be applied, otherwise the current date will be used.
