Staff & Site

LV and HV Authorisations

This provided details of sub contract companies and their staff authorisation.
The list at the bottom of the page can be filtered by Name or Status using the Search button.

If the company's Manager's guidance document has been uploaded there is a link to download it.

 To download authorisation letter and competency matrix
 Edit details
 Archive Company details

Company Details

Selecting the company name show the company details.
Similar to the previous screen (above) there are links for

Authorisation Letter Download and

Competency matrix Download

Add New Company

Select New LV And HV Authorisation to add a new company to the list

New LV Authorisations
New Authorisation Form

Enter the relevant details:

 Company Name
 Telephone Number

Upload the Company authorisation letter

Upload a Competency matrix

To finish click on the Save to add the company to the data base.
