Staff & Site

List of Appointed Electrical Staff

Appointed Electrical Staff

Shown at the bottom of the page, this provides details of all staff registered for the site, current or archived.
This can be filtered by:

  • Name
  • Date range appointed
  • Position
  • Staff type
  • Status

Enter your selection criteria and click Search to filter the list.

If the company's Manager's guidance document has been uploaded there is a link to download it .

Within the list The Name can be a company or person, and the position either their role or a description of the company

Names on the list can be edited  
and Archived  

Select New Appointed Electrical Staff to add new staff.

New Appointed Electrical Staff

New Appointed Electrical Staff

Within the list List of New Appointed Electrical Staff the Name can be selected from the available logins via the drop‑down menu.

Position Should be entered as that persons job title
Staff type (e.g. Employee, Sub-contractor) can be selected via the drop‑down menu or new types can be added.

The Date Appointed should be selected from the drop‑down calendar.

Click Save to add the new staff details
