Staff & Site

Electrical Reset Authorisation

This section provides details of those authorised to conduct resets.

The Date of last review,and Last Review by relate to the last New Authorisation conducted.
The Date of next review is 1 year later.

If the company's Manager's guidance document has been uploaded there is a link to download it .

The list of those names authorised is at the bottom of the page can be filtered by entering selection criteria

  • Name
  • Position (drop‑down menu)
  • Date (range) of authorisation 
  • Date (range) of expiry 
  • Status All, Archived or Active (Default) Then click on Search button to filter the list.
    Authorisation list

To add a new name click on the New Electrical Reset Authorisation button.

Add New Reset authorisation

The relevant information should be added

  • Name  Selected from the drop‑down list of eligible engineers and electricians1.
  • Position  Job title or Role
  • Upload Authorisation document
  • Date of authorisation - via the calendar 
  • Authorised by  Selected from the drop‑down list
  • Upload Authorisation docuement
  • Upload certificate of training
  • Date of training expiry - via the calendar 

Finally click on the Save to return to the Electrical Reset Authorisation Details page.
The new name will been in the drop‑down Name list and can then be added to the Authorisation list.


  1. The Names in the drop-lists are from the LV and appointed Electrical Staff section and entered as part of the site setup. It includes the those with National access, Shark administration and existing logins.
    To add additional names please contact Shark ESMS administration. 
