Designed to be viewed on a desktop PC or tablet the Shark ESMS Managers Dashboards are structured to give an overview of compliance at all levels of the business.
The users login will taken them straight to the dashboard level relevant to them.


Company Dashboard

Company wide Dashboard

The top level login shows information for the entire company with:

  • Number of Defects by type for all sites.
  • Site with the lowest compliance score according to the companies criteria
  • Site locations
  • Electrical Safety Alerts
  • Last and due inspection dates by business sector.

Selecting a business sector e.g. Aggregate, Asphalt or Cement, goes down a level to the sector dashboard e.g Aggregate, Asphalt or Cement.

Select the tabs ↑   Sector   Region   Site   to view other dashboards.

For all types of dashboard: The row of defect code numbers at the top is colour coded Site Dashboard

Red: Code 1 Defects
Orange: Code 2 Defects
Green: Code 3 Defects
Blue: Compliance Score

Each box in the row of inspection types is colour coded with a traffic light system is used to show overall inspection status and for multiple sites will show the worst case scenarios. Site Dashboard

Red: Overdue
Orange: Due within 7 Days
Green: Due > 1 week
